Helix Clinical Research

Investigator sign-up

We are continuously expanding our network of investigators and support staff to meet the growing research demands in our region.  If you would like to sign up as an investigator please fill the form below.

This profile is being completed by:

What is your primary role at this site?

Principal Investigator Sub-Investigator
Study Nurse Study Coordinator
Other. Please specify

Investigator Name:


Other. Please specify

Address/contact details which will be used as contact information for potential studies

Best method of contact:


Therapeutic Areas for which you have study current experiences and/or interest in (Please select all that apply):

Allergy & Immunology Anesthesia
Cardiology Interventional cardiology
Dentistry Dermatology
Emergency Medicine Endocrinology
Epidemiology Gastroenterology
Genitourinary Genetics
Gerontology Hematology
Infectious Diseases Intensive Care
Internal Medicine Medical Devices
Nephrology Neurology
Obstetrics/GYN Oncology
Ophthalmology Orthopedics
Otolaryngology Pediatrics
Psychiatry Pulmonology
Radiology Rheumatology
Surgery Transplant
Vascular Disease  

What age group(s) are seen at your site? (Please select all that apply):


How many years have you been conducting clinical trials?

What is the total number of trials that you have conducted as a Principal Investigator?

What is the total number of trials by phase that you have conducted as a Principal Investigator?

How much time do you devote each week to clinical research?

Does the investigator have an academic appointment?

Does your site have experience with Electronic Data Capture (EDC) studies?

Is the Investigator fluent in English?

Has the investigator participated in GCP training?

Is GCP training mandatory at your site?

Does your site have an IRB or ethics committee?

What type of IRB/EC is your site able to use?

What type of healthcare institution /research group are you affiliated with?

What is the name of your institution/practice

What is the type of Practice/Research group?

Clinic Group Practice
Multi-Specialty Primary Care Center
Private Practice Research Center
Research Organization  

Number of physicians in the Practice\ Research group:

Number of investigators in the Practice\ Research group:

What types of trials are you interested in conducting?

Outpatient Trials Inpatient Trials

Please feel free to provide any further information about your site, experiences and/or interests in the space below:

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